Lemon Verbena

Culinary Use, Storage, & Benefits

Herb Profile: Lemon Verbena (Aloysia triphylla)


Lemon verbena is a tender 1-2' tall annual in our climate, but in Argentina and Chile where it originated, it grows up to 15 feet tall! The aroma is intoxicatingly sweet and citrus-y, definitely a showstopper. It's used to make a tasty tea, in lotions and oils, and as a spice. 


Lemon verbena is most often used as a tea to aid digestion, tonify the stomach and intestines, is a calming and soothing nervine, and is helpful in cases of fever. 


Lemon Verbena is so cold tolerant that it doesn't keep well in the fridge. Best to either keep in a glass of water on the counter and use within 2-3 days, or simply hang to dry for tea or cooking right away. 


Use fresh or dried for baking, teas, sweets, stir-fried vegetables, or anywhere you would like an extra hint of lemon! 


  • ​The Gift of Healing Herbs by Robin Rose Bennett

  • The Rodale Encyclopedia of Herbs

  • Our own experience!

Shop for Lemon Verbena Seedlings

Roxanne Hanna Ramirez

Roxanne is the farm’s herb grower and content creator. You can also find her in the greenhouse, in the field, and vending at farmer’s markets.




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