Brussel Sprouts OctoberNovember Apr 6 Written By Roxanne Hanna Ramirez Shop for Brussel Sprout Seedlings Featured Brussel Sprouts Seedlings 3-pack $4.00 See all produce 10-october Roxanne Hanna Ramirez Roxanne is the farm’s herb grower and content creator. You can also find her in the greenhouse, in the field, and vending at farmer’s markets.
Brussel Sprouts OctoberNovember Apr 6 Written By Roxanne Hanna Ramirez Shop for Brussel Sprout Seedlings Featured Brussel Sprouts Seedlings 3-pack $4.00 See all produce 10-october Roxanne Hanna Ramirez Roxanne is the farm’s herb grower and content creator. You can also find her in the greenhouse, in the field, and vending at farmer’s markets.