Climate Change and CSA: A resilient food system for the future

CSA is one of the most important ways you can support local, fresh, and organic food and farmers. Sign-up season ends soon, so don't wait! Sign up for our local vegetable subscription (CSA).

Empty store shelves. Rising cost of gas, and subsequent rising cost of food transported long distances. 

Covid19 gave us a glaring look at the vulnerable pinch points within the globalized food system. Even as those systems recover now, the very same vulnerabilities remain to be challenged again in the future.

Climate change presents endless threats to the infrastructure by which 99% of people in this country eat. One major weather event, or the wildfires, or rising sea levels  alone are enough to bring this system of importing food over long distances to its knees again and again.  

Unfortunately, there is no silver bullet to these issues, but there are a collection of strategies to offset the harm. Small farmers are and have been dealing with these challenges for years, but what makes local food resilient is that we are right here. You aren't separated by 1000+ miles from your food sources. You aren't reliant upon massive corporations that are convenient when they work, but are unable to adapt swiftly when challenges arise. Instead, you rely on your own local community farmers, who care about more than their bottom line. 

Covid19 has changed us all. Most of us didn't have much of a say in what those changes were. But now, 3 years after quarantine, we do have a choice: to learn all that we can from everything that happened, and to take proactive steps to build a food system that will not break down when we need it most. The best way to do that, according to many experts cited in this article about farms and climate change, is to de-centralize the food system, increase the number of local growers serving nearby markets, and increase the diversity of local foods available. 

This is exactly why we started farming, and for 10 years we have kept local families fed all season long. By subscribing to our CSA, not only are you looking out for the future of food, people, and the planet, you also lock in your share of the freshest, most flavorful produce money can buy, guaranteed. 

We pack each and every box with a curated selection of organic vegetables and herbs. With each box you receive the CSA newsletter, packed full with food inspiration and information you need to diversify your plate.

Will you join us in building a thriving local food system?

Roxanne Hanna Ramirez

Roxanne is the farm’s herb grower and content creator. You can also find her in the greenhouse, in the field, and vending at farmer’s markets.


Collective Power for Local, Just, Sustainable Food


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