Cost of eggs got you down? Local farms to the rescue!!

Local farms to the rescue! Did you know The Victory Garden Farm didn't raise their egg prices this year? That's right. 

When you sign up for a CSA share with us, you get the option to include fresh local farm eggs in your delivery. 

Lock in your price for the season, and you'll have the freshest eggs available from happy pasture-raised hens by Victory Garden Farm in Fredonia, WI.

What will you make with these delicious, gorgeous, orange-yolked eggs? Space is limited for this program, and we will fill up, so don't wait!

Roxanne Hanna Ramirez

Roxanne is the farm’s herb grower and content creator. You can also find her in the greenhouse, in the field, and vending at farmer’s markets.


Climate Change and CSA: A resilient food system for the future


Spring Potluck and Food Sustainability Series: Food & Climate Change