Egg, Bacon, & Frisee’ Salad
CSAs are a unique experience in trying new foods that you otherwise may never encounter from a grocery store or restaurant. One of the top pieces of feedback we’ve received, and highest forms of praise, is that our CSA members were able to significantly diversify their diets. Humans are a species that is special in that we have literally thousands of different foods that we can choose from, unlike a koala or panda bear for example, that only rely on one or a few different foods. This is what has allowed us to develop a vast array of food traditions all across the globe. Our challenge, as local food advocates, is to develop a food tradition that is local to our area and seasonal patterns, is efficient enough to be sustained economically, that suits our palates, and nourishes our bodies as much as possible.
That’s where frisee’ comes in. A popular item in French cuisine, it’s not often seen in American supermarkets. It offers an oft overlooked, or even maligned flavor from the American palate: bitter. While not as sharp as a dandelion, it is reminiscent and of the same family (Asteraceae). Eaten on its own, it can be off-putting or even overpowering - however, in combination with the right elements of flavors, bitter greens achieve a depth and richness of flavor that can hardly be matched. Bitter greens beg for acid, fat, and savory or sweet combinations. This recipe incorporates these into a simple, and simply mouthwatering, salad that will have you plowing through your head of frisee’. Even more importantly, it will allow you an easy in-road for incorporating bitter greens onto your plate, and all the wonderful health benefits they offer. For more on that, check out our produce guide. If you’re ready to try something new, give this recipe a go and let us know what you think!