Watermelon Seedlings, Dark Belle
Citrullus lanatus var. lanatus
"Dark Belle”. Unique oblong fruit with deep green skin and bright red flesh. Thin rinds and very sweet flavor. Ideal performance in Northern climates, like Wisconsin! Seed source and photo: Johnny’s Selected Seeds
When the weather is frost-free, warm, and settled, transplant 2–3' apart in rows 6–8' apart, or thin to 1 plant/pot or cell with scissors and transplant 18" apart. Even hardened watermelon seedlings are tender! Do not disturb roots when transplanting, and water thoroughly.
Citrullus lanatus var. lanatus
"Dark Belle”. Unique oblong fruit with deep green skin and bright red flesh. Thin rinds and very sweet flavor. Ideal performance in Northern climates, like Wisconsin! Seed source and photo: Johnny’s Selected Seeds
When the weather is frost-free, warm, and settled, transplant 2–3' apart in rows 6–8' apart, or thin to 1 plant/pot or cell with scissors and transplant 18" apart. Even hardened watermelon seedlings are tender! Do not disturb roots when transplanting, and water thoroughly.
Citrullus lanatus var. lanatus
"Dark Belle”. Unique oblong fruit with deep green skin and bright red flesh. Thin rinds and very sweet flavor. Ideal performance in Northern climates, like Wisconsin! Seed source and photo: Johnny’s Selected Seeds
When the weather is frost-free, warm, and settled, transplant 2–3' apart in rows 6–8' apart, or thin to 1 plant/pot or cell with scissors and transplant 18" apart. Even hardened watermelon seedlings are tender! Do not disturb roots when transplanting, and water thoroughly.