Onion, Rossa di Milano 3-pack
Allium cepa
“Rossa di Milano”. A long-day Italian onion with bronze-pink skins and 6+ months storage life. Sweet-pungent taste that stands out when used both raw and in cooking. Early maturation adapted for northern climates. Sold in packs of 3 cells that contain about 3 seedlings per cell. Seed source and photo: High Mowing Seeds
Onions require full sun and fertile, well-drained soil with a pH of 6.0–7.0. Sandy loam soils are ideal; in heavier soils, use raised beds or raised rows to promote soil drainage. Keep onions well weeded with shallow cultivation. Onions are shallow rooted and grow best with at least 1" per week of rain or irrigation, especially during the bulbing phase.
Allium cepa
“Rossa di Milano”. A long-day Italian onion with bronze-pink skins and 6+ months storage life. Sweet-pungent taste that stands out when used both raw and in cooking. Early maturation adapted for northern climates. Sold in packs of 3 cells that contain about 3 seedlings per cell. Seed source and photo: High Mowing Seeds
Onions require full sun and fertile, well-drained soil with a pH of 6.0–7.0. Sandy loam soils are ideal; in heavier soils, use raised beds or raised rows to promote soil drainage. Keep onions well weeded with shallow cultivation. Onions are shallow rooted and grow best with at least 1" per week of rain or irrigation, especially during the bulbing phase.
Allium cepa
“Rossa di Milano”. A long-day Italian onion with bronze-pink skins and 6+ months storage life. Sweet-pungent taste that stands out when used both raw and in cooking. Early maturation adapted for northern climates. Sold in packs of 3 cells that contain about 3 seedlings per cell. Seed source and photo: High Mowing Seeds
Onions require full sun and fertile, well-drained soil with a pH of 6.0–7.0. Sandy loam soils are ideal; in heavier soils, use raised beds or raised rows to promote soil drainage. Keep onions well weeded with shallow cultivation. Onions are shallow rooted and grow best with at least 1" per week of rain or irrigation, especially during the bulbing phase.