Butternut Squash Seedlings
Cucurbita moschata
"Waltham". Larger fruits with small seed cavities and thick, straight, cylindrical necks. Flesh has smooth texture and sweet flavor, particularly after 2 months of storage. This 1970 All-America Selections winner from Massachusetts is still deservedly the most widely grown, full-size OP butternut. Fruits avg. 9" long. Avg. weight: 4–5 lb. Avg. yield: 4–5 fruits/plant. Seed source and photo: High Mowing Seeds
Fertile, well-drained soil with a pH of 6.0–6.8 is best. Bush to short-vine habits generally require 6' between-row spacing.
Cucurbita moschata
"Waltham". Larger fruits with small seed cavities and thick, straight, cylindrical necks. Flesh has smooth texture and sweet flavor, particularly after 2 months of storage. This 1970 All-America Selections winner from Massachusetts is still deservedly the most widely grown, full-size OP butternut. Fruits avg. 9" long. Avg. weight: 4–5 lb. Avg. yield: 4–5 fruits/plant. Seed source and photo: High Mowing Seeds
Fertile, well-drained soil with a pH of 6.0–6.8 is best. Bush to short-vine habits generally require 6' between-row spacing.
Cucurbita moschata
"Waltham". Larger fruits with small seed cavities and thick, straight, cylindrical necks. Flesh has smooth texture and sweet flavor, particularly after 2 months of storage. This 1970 All-America Selections winner from Massachusetts is still deservedly the most widely grown, full-size OP butternut. Fruits avg. 9" long. Avg. weight: 4–5 lb. Avg. yield: 4–5 fruits/plant. Seed source and photo: High Mowing Seeds
Fertile, well-drained soil with a pH of 6.0–6.8 is best. Bush to short-vine habits generally require 6' between-row spacing.